Communicating with an external EEPROM memory module using the I2C bus on the TI EVM3530 development board

   The purpose of the application is to allow communication over the I2C bus between the OMAP3530 powered board and a ST 24C04 EEPROM memory module. This means read and write operations of three data types: integer, double and string.
    The application uses a dialog based interface to read the three data types, each from the corresponding edit box. The three boxes have dedicated read and write buttons. The information from each box is stored in a different memory location on the external module to prevent overlap.
    The test button is used to check every 7 bit address on the given I2C bus.
    The memory module is connected to the board using the Micron Camera Connector (J31). The data lines are 3.3V compatible. VCAM pin provides 3.3V (estimated) to 4V (tested). No pull-up resistors are used. I2C2 is used. The application was developed using MS Visual Studio 2005. The OMAP35x EVM test board runs WindowsCE 6.0 R3.

    The application is based on source code provided by Bob Stricklin on the TI forum at:
Download the program code source
I2C EEPROM conection to OMAP3530 schematics
Main Frame (acces to all the site)
Course of Intelligent Embedded Systems
"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
Associate Professor Dan Marius Dobrea