The Center for Research in Fuzzy Systems, Intelligent Systems and Biomedical Engineering - CERFS  carries its activity as part of the Technical University from Iasi and it is coordinated by the founding director of the CERFS Center. The Center has as major directions fundamental and applied research in the following domans: fuzzy systems, neural networks, dynamic systems and chaos theory, knowledge-based systems and applications in biomedical engineering, human-related sciences etc.

In this Center of research are working professors, lecturers, PhD students, master students and students belonging to the last year of studies from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from the Technical University  "Gheorghe Asachi" from Iaşi.

The research team has published in the last years a large number of articles in magazines, monographs and volumes of international conferences with reviewers. The researchers from the CERFS team are members in editorial staffs of some international reviews (including ISI), members in international scientific organizations, organizers and co-organizers of international scientific events, members in the boards of domestic and international conferences etc.