In the last years, the CERFS research team has presented synthesis papers at recognized national scientific events  and invited conferences. The have been achieved by the staff of the Center numerous grants and research contracts, projects  won through national competition in the domain of engineering studies, but also projects won through international competition. These research projects have risen the opportunity for numorous and useful internal and international cooperations, extending both the scientific and the material base of the group of laboratories which carry their research activity within  CERFS Center.

Some grants and research contracts have been carried on in cooperation with the Institute for Theoretical Informatics Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy; the participation at the activities of the prioritized project of the Romanian Academy (2001-2002) - "The Strategy for the Informational Society  - The Society of Knowledge in România"; the participation at the prioritized project of the Romanian Academy (2001-2003) - "Research in the domain of the phonetics and phonology of the Romanina language with application for the Romanina linguistic regional atlases"; inter-academic cooperation between the Institute for Theoretical Informatics Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy and the Center for Biomedical Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria. Between 1998-2001 there have been granted two contracts of international research.

In 2003 one of the CERFS members has rreceived one of the four IEEE - Neural Networks Society research grants, through an international contest about research themes in the domain of neural networks.