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Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology

Internet of Things

  • Teacher:

                Ph.D. Associated Professor Dobrea Dan Marius

  • This discipline is followed by the students from "Applied Electronics and Intelligent Sytem" studies direction, from "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology

  • The Internet of Things (IoT) – with an important impact in industry and in daily lives of everyone - brings many new business opportunities and, in the same time, presents to the engineers a significant challenges ranging from technology (due to the large diversities of different approaches), to the software architectural complexity and up to the security concerns.

  • The Internet of Things course will be taught, starting with October 2017, to the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Electronics Telecommunications and Information Technology. After following the course and laboratories, the students should understand the concept of IoT, be able to make a project involving sensors, embedded boards and use/send/receive/process the data stored locally or in the cloud.
                   To complete this course you will need to use all the skills you have acquired in the many of the previous courses starting with the ones from the first year of study up to the third: programming, microcontrollers, system design, interfacing, sensors, etc.

Provisional curricula

  1. Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
    1. IoT introduction and Survey
    2. Trends in the adoption of IoT
    3. Societal benefits of IoT
    4. Risks, Privacy, and Security
    5. What Are Embedded Systems?
    6. Components of Embedded Systems
    7. Hardware and software (roles of both the hardware and software components in the system and supporting operating system).
  2. Networking and the Internet – short overview
    1. WAN Structure
    2. Networking Components
    3. Internet Structure
    4. Protocols
    5. TCP/IP Application Layer
  3. Connecting to devices via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth
    1. Bluetooth concepts (centered on Bluetooth LE);
    2. CC2650 SensorTag (presentation and device architecture);
    3. MIT App Inventor
      • Steps to create a functional Android app
      • Creating Bluetooth apps using Android
    4. Wi-Fi concepts
  4. The Wi-Fi CC3200 Platform LaunchPad
    1. CC3200 Internet-of-Things Single-Chip Wireless MCU overview and presentation
    2. SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3200 module LaunchPad
    3. Setting up the environment
    4. A simple “Hello World” application
    5. TI-RTOS: Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) main concepts (theory and application): thread, semaphore, interrupt, etc.
    6. Interfacing with the Wi-Fi CC3200 module LaunchPad (input/output lines, buses, sensors, wireless connection etc.).
    7. The software development kit (SDK) for CC3200 module LaunchPad – a simple wireless communication example.
  5. Cloud overview – Azure
  6. IoT on Azure
    1. Conceptual View
    2. IoT on Azures – basics (IoT Hub, Event Hubs, Stream Analytics, Storage Blobs, Power BI)
    3. Azure IoT Hub and Device Communications for real-time analysis
      • Device management (device twin, queries etc.)
      • Device to cloud communication
      • Cloud to device communication

       Student zone

Project Presentations:

             The project will include some core requirements, but leave room for your creativity in how you approach the project. In the end, you will produce a final project, suitable for showcasing to future potential employers. For this project you do not need to purchase software and hardware.