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             Founded on 1 March, the "Energetics” section was the core around which got crystallized the present structure of "Stefan Procopiu” Science and Technique Museum. Arranged on separate sectors, it aimed at describing the evolution of the main forms of energy used by man, of some aspects of the worldwide technology at present, as well as achievements of Romanian energetics, using attractive display methods: graphic panels, models, various devices and original exhibits, contributing thus to the comprehension of some phenomena or functioning details by any visitor.
In the first sector, reserved to hydraulic energy, there is quickly described the evolution of the use of flowing waters starting from the first hydraulic wheels (3rd century B.C.) to the introduction of electricity. A maquette of a microhydrocentral used for lightening a village and the maquettes of the Franci, Kaplan and Pelton turbines contribute to the understanding of the functioning principle of water turbines.
             Eolian energy, also used since time immemorial to pumping water and milling, is even nowadays used in geographic areas with strong air draughts. The transformation of kinetic energy of wind into electric power is illustrated by the model of an eolian plant. In the museums, there are graphs pertaining to other forms of energy too: solar, geothermal, produced by the biomass, the waves and the tides.
             The power of steams has been acknoledged since Antiquity. Greek engineer and mathematician Heron of Alexandria ( 1st century A.D.) built the aeolipile, o toy rotated by the power of steam. It remained at the epoch just a technical curiosity without any other explanations. The first steam-driven machine is considered the pressure cooker of Denis Papin (1680), followed by the atmospheric machine of Thomas Newcommen (1712), both of a very low efficiency. In 1765, James Watt built a steam engine equipped with a separate condenser, which assured a much higher efficiency. The practical applications in the industries and transportation, as well as the functioning principle of the steam engines with a distribution using flat drawers, cylinders and valves, are illustrated in the museum by graphs and working maquettes. This sector is completed with the models of the steam engine made by Giovani Branca in 1629 and the 300kW turbo-generator group made in Resita.
             The internal burning engines are represented in the museum by valuable original exhibits such as: Zis engine, 12 cylindered V-like engine and airplane engines with water cooling and with water.
             Developed and improved during the last decades, the jet-engines and the rocket- engines have a much longer history. In 1964, a 16th century manuscript, Varia II-374 or Coligatul de la Sibiu was investigated and it was discovered that in Romania, the first experiments concerning the jet-technique were carried out in Sibiu, by Conrad Haas between 1529-1569. Chief of the military arsenal of the fortress of Sibiu, Conrad Haas - forerunner of modern rocket - describes in this document the construction of multi step-rockets, jet throwing devices for fighting loads, triangular stabilizers of the flight direction, as well we the ways the various useful loads were teleported using several step-rockets. Some centuries later, Hermann Oberth, born in Medias (l894-1992), published the book "The Rocket towards Interplanetary Spaces". In May 1931, on the shore of the Baltic Sea, there was launched the first liquid combustion rocket (with alcohol and oxygen) designed by Hermann Oberth.
             Although in 1910 the Romanian scholar Henri Coanda built the first airplane equipped with a motoreactor, the first jet airplanes were achieved in 1939 by Heinkel and 1940 by Caproni and Campini.
             In the museum, one can trace the evolution of the jet-vehicles, the functioning principles of the gas turbines, the airplane and the jet-engine of Coanda's, the classification and construction of modern jet-engines, the maquette of "Saturn V" rocket, the maquest of "Columbia" space shuttle and the original engine - turboreactor R.D.-10 A - which equipped the Soviet airplane "IAK-17V", designed in 1947.
             The main moments of the history of electricity are illustrated in the sector Electric Power of the museum. Although electrostatic phenomena had been known since antiquity, electricity is studied only from the 17th century onwards, when the first electrostatic devices are conceived: Otto de Güerike (1671), Nolet (1663), Whimshurst. The invention of the electric battery by Volta (1800) accelerated the theoretical and practical study. Thus, Öersted discovered the electromagnetism (1819), Ampère put the theoretic basis of electrodynamics (1820), Faraday discovered the electromagnetic induction (1831), Joule, the thermal effect of electricity (1843), and Maxwell the existence of electromagnetic waves (1873).
             Electric devices, direct applications of electromagnetism, are illustrated in the museum by original exhibits such as: continuous current electric devices used in the laboratories of the University of Iasi at the end of the 19th century, alternative current devices, convertors, rectifiers and transformers produced by famous companies such as: Gramme Schuckert, Siemens, Ganz, Thomson, Brown-Bovery etc. It is in the same sector that are exhibited arc lamps which illuminated the city of Iasi at the beginning of the 20th century.
             The sector reserved to atomic energy illustrates with graphs and experimental devices the main phases in the evolution of the research which led to the identification of the internal structure of the atom and of the application of nuclear energy. The discovery during the 19th century of some fundamental phenomena in physics and chemistry (the law of periodicity of elements, Mendeleev –1869, cathodic rays, Thomson – 1851, thermoionic emission, Edison – 1853, X rays, Röentgen – 1895, natural radioactivity, Becquerel – 1896) and the studies carried out during the first hald of the 20th century (aritificial transmutation, Rutherford – 1919, artificial radioactivity, Irene and Frederic Joliot Curie – 1934, the fission of uranium nucleus, 1939) enabled the practical application of atomic energy. In 1942 in USA Enrico Fermi designed the first nuclear reactor, and in 1954 in the Soviet Union, the first nuclear plant was built
             A special attention is given to the Romanian contributions to the fields approached in this section, pointing out famous personalities such as: Dragomir Hurmuzescu, Dimitrie Leonida, George Constantinescu, Traian Vuia, Henri Coanda, Stefan Procopiu and others.

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