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museum >> sound >> the pin reel                                                                                                                         >> RO


          During the 13th century, Dutch navigators brought from China the first sets of bells grouped according to tones and controled by pin reels. The oldest automaton made in Europe which uses a system of bells controled by a pin reel is the carillon of the Cathedral in Strasbourg (1352-1354). Among the famous carillons, mention should be made of those in: Dunkerque (1437), Alost in Belgium (1487) and Anveres (1540) with a system of 60 bells.
In 1925, engineer Horia Pascalovici installed a carillon with 8 bells in the tower of the Palace of Culture. The device plays every sharp hour the song "Hora Unirii" (The Romanian Round Dance of the Union).
          The oldest cylinder organ, named Bull of Salzburg was made in 1502. The German monk Athanasius Kicher published in 1650 a document about the church organ functioning with a pin reel. At that epoch, music automata were largely appreciated at the European courts. In France Jaques de Vaucanson (1709-1772), Pierre Jaquet – Droz (1721-1780) obtain excellent results with their androides.
          At the beginning of the 17th century, in Mirecourt, France, miniature organs started being produced, while later was developed a considerable industry of organs of various types. The crank organs were more and more used in the streets by travelling singers, cripples, merchants and Savoyards.
          The museum collection includes an automatic organ with 84 tubes, particularly valuable, made in Vienna at about 1850. It has 4 cylinders, which contain a single melody each:
          1 - National Marche-Rum
          2 - Arie din opera Don Pasquale, Donizetti
          3 - Ceardas
          4 - Hori nationale –Rum.
Kopecky street organ was made in 1936 by the company J. Kopecky in Timisoara. It is a 17 pipe-organ, with 1 cylinder with 9 melodies.
          Other music automata which use as a recording support the pin reel are the music boxes. They were invented in 1796 by the Swiss Antoine Favre (1734 -1820). The mechanism is simple: the pins of the cylinder determine the vibration of the teeth of a metallic comb. The reel is turned slowly by an arch engine, the rotation being controlled by a paletted giration regulator. At the beginning, the small size mechanisms were introduced in pieces of jewelry, horloges and other objects. Then, the cylinder becomes bigger, the music devices more refined so that a real industry of music boxes develops in Switzerland. At the end of the 19th century were designed music boxes which apart the normal mechanism also contained an organ mechanism named "heavenly voices".
          The mechanicaal pianos with pin reels, used indoors or outdoors, are instruments with strings which in Romania are known as mechanical cembalo. The most frequent were the Spanish street pianos, quite often made by Italians. In Romania were acknowledged mechanical cembalos made by Giussepe Turconi of Constantinople.
          In 1804, in Vienna, J.N. Mälzel made the first orchestron named "Panharmonicum”. Ludwig van Beethoven composed for this instrument the melodies: The Victory of Wellington and The Battle of Vitoria. Orchestrons are automatic devices designed for public spaces, which produce music similar to that of orchestras. The museum collection includes six orchestrons controlled by pin reels and bridges. The "Valsonora” orchestron was made in Germany at the end of the 19th century. A plate fixed on the furnishing reads: "At Inger's: music shop, sewing machines, gramophones, various furniture items, guns, money cases. Jaques Calmanovici Iasi”.

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