Home Studii Cadre didactice GORAȘ Liviu
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Luni, 02 Februarie 2009 14:20


Profesor dr. ing.

Departamentul de Bazele Electronicii
Membru Senior, IEEE

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Cursuri predate
Semnale, circuite şi sisteme 1
Sinteza circuitelor analogice
Complemente de teoria semnalelor şi sistemelor
Proiectarea circuitelor integrate pentru prelucrarea analiogică a semnalelor
Domenii de interes
Teoria semnalelor şi sistemelor
Procesarea neliniară a imaginilor
Circuite integrate analogice de frecvenţă ridicată

Publicaţii selectate
[1] Fira CM, Goras L., “An ECG signals compression method and its validation using NNs”, IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Eng., vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1319-1326, 2008
[2] Leuciuc A, Goras L , “New general immittance converter JFET voltage-controlled impedances and their applications to controlled biquads synthesis”, IEEE Trans. on Circ. & Syst., vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 678-682, 1998
[3] Goras L, Chua LO, Leenaerts DMW , “Turing patterns in CNNs - Once over lightly”, IEEE Trans. on Circ. & Syst., vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 602-611,
[4] Goras L, Chua LO , “Turing patterns in CNNs - Equations and behaviors”, IEEE Trans. on Circ. & Syst., vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 612-626, 1995
[5] Goras L, Chua LO, Pivka L, “Turing patterns in CNNs - Computer-simulation results”, IEEE Trans. on Circ. & Syst., vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 627-637, 1995
Alte activităţi
Membru al IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
Chairman IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits & Systems (ISSCS)
Recenzent: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems

Ultima actualizare în Miercuri, 30 Ianuarie 2019 15:11