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Gnathophonic sounds archive for the French language

         The gnathophonic sounds recordings were performed during a doctoral research stage at the Electroacoustic and Environmental acoustics laboratory of IUT Angouleme, France.

         The French speech corpus contains 51 recordings belonging to 17 female and 34 male speakers, students of the IUT Angouleme, aged between 18-24 years, with the native language French and without laryngeal, respiratory or neurological pathologies that may modify the voice. The speech corpus is composed by students with normal denture and students with dental pathologies. Four, respectively eight female speakers have malocclusion type I, respectively type II and 15 male speakers have malocclusion type I.

         The French recorded words are: vacillation, vvvvvacillation / facilitation, fffffacilitation; valoir, vvvvvaloir / falloir, fffffalloir; var / fard; varier, vvvvvarier / fatiguer, fffffatiguer; vehement / fermant; ver / fer; vigne, vvvvvigne / fine, fffffine; viens, vvviens, vvvvviens; vinaigre / financer; vider / fidele; vol / folle; voracite / formalite; voyager / foliace; vulcaniser / fulminer; fuir, fffffuir. These words are starting with /v/ and /f/ consonants in CV context, where V is represented by /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/ or /y/ vowels.

         For the French speech corpus we used for recording an acquisition system "Harmonie" from "01db" and the dBBATI32 utility. The microphone used is G.R.A.S. Type 40 AC with a frequency response of 3.15 Hz - 45 kHz at ±2dB and the nominal sensitivity 12.5 mV/Pa.

         The features used for learning and testing the screening tool with dentistry applications are avaliablehere (in pdf format). To access the text files see femeale speakers and male speakers.

Gnathophony - unfiltered
Gnathophony - filtered
durations and F0-F4 values

This page was last updated by H.-N. Teodorescu and M. Feraru on
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